This space could be selling your property
Castle Villas Dalkey
Castle Villas, Dalkey, Co Dublin
This space could be selling your property
Malahide Marina
Malahide Marina, Malahide, Co Dublin
This space could be selling your property
Elton Park, Sandycove, Dublin
Reasons to choose us
SWD Property Sales – Our experienced consultants understand that selling a property can be a life changing decision. We endeavour to ascertain each client’s unique needs and adopt a practical and tailored solution to the challenges of each property sale.
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Our Services
- Free appraisals and consultancy
- No Sale No Fee Policy – Competitive Flexible Fees
- Advertising on all major web sites including and
- We advise on BER Certificates, Professional Photography and Floor Plans
- Real time property alert system to our buyers’ database
- Supervised and flexible viewing times with SWD Property staff
- Full continuity of service from ‘Sale Agreed’ to ‘Sold’!
Meet & Greet
This is a great opportunity to meet our team, discuss your property queries and assess the value of your property.
Please contact us
T: 01 230 3997 | M: 085 760 0888 | | PRSA:004206-008258